Depending on what type of device you wear, it is quite normal to need hearing aid repairs or replacement parts roughly every six months to one year. Taking the time to care for your hearing aid properly will keep these occasions to a minimum. The following tips will help you give your hearing device the best possible care:

  1. Keep your ears clean: This may seem like an obvious point, but keeping on top of your ear hygiene is one of the most important factors in caring for your hearing aids. Cleaning your ears daily will help to prevent potentially damaging earwax and moisture from building up in your ear canal, where it can affect the function of your aids.
  2. Be gentle with your aids: Though they are built to be hard-wearing, hearing aids are delicate pieces of technology. Always handle them with care, avoiding dropping them on to hard surfaces and place them down carefully. It is wise to handle them over soft surfaces when cleaning them or replacing the batteries.
  3. Avoid contact with dirt, hairspray and make-up: The microphone on your aid has very small holes which are easily blocked by residue dirt and personal care products. Be sure to remove your aids before applying these products as even small quantities can be damaging. Always make sure your hands are clean before handling your hearing aids.
  4. Avoid exposure to heat: Exposure to intense heat can easily damage your hearing aid’s component parts. Be sure to remove your device before using hair dryers or other heated styling tools. As much as possible, minimize exposure to direct sunlight and avoid storing your hearing aids near head sources such as radiators.
  5. Avoid contact with moisture: It may be obvious that your hearing aids should be removed before bathing or showering, however many users make the mistake of leaving their devices in the bathroom while they do so. This will expose your aid to condensation which can easily damage its electronic components.
  6. Store your hearing aids correctly: Always carry your device in the proper storage case to avoid it getting damaged or exposed to moisture and dirt. If your aid is not in use for several hours or more, it is wise to remove the batteries and leave the battery compartment open to allow any moisture build-up to dissipate.
  7. Clean your aid carefully: When cleaning you aid, only ever use the specially designed products and tools provided by your hearing aid dispenser. Other cleaning agents which contain solvents may cause damage. It is equally important to take your time and be gentle when cleaning your device; extra time spent now will save a lot of trouble further down the line. Ask your hearing care professional what products are available to help keep your hearing aids in the best possible condition.

Hearing aids are delicate pieces of technology. With routine maintenance and care, they can serve your needs for a long time. Following the above tips can help you minimize hearing aid repairs.