While you may not see a lot of people with hearing aids around, you would be surprised to know how many people actually suffer from some sort of hearing deficiency. Regardless of age or gender, most people experience hearing loss as they age. However, although older people are more prone to suffering from hearing deficiencies, younger people too can become victims. Similarly, the causes too are not limited and can vary from living in an environment that is loud to being a victim of a sudden loud explosion that causes damage to the ears.

Though, whatever the cause may be, you should take certain precautions and measures to ensure that you keep your hearing ability. In order to ensure your hearing ability is in good health, you should be well aware of the symptoms. While the symptoms of hearing loss are numerous, there are certain signs that can act as warning signals for you.

According to medical experts, here are the most popular symptoms that are a sign of impending hearing loss.

1.) Difficulty in Hearing

Although this may sound obvious, it is surprising that a lot of people fail to diagnose their problems in hearing as a serious hearing condition and ignore it nonchalantly. However, this is a huge mistake and one that can make the difference in early diagnosis/treatment and damaged hearing.

For starters, if you are facing difficulty in hearing people from a close range, try to find out whether it is a serious problem or not. For example, if you’re watching television at a higher volume than before and asking others to repeat what they are saying, chances are that your hearing ability is going downhill.  Hence, if you feel that you are suffering from the issues mentioned above, you should promptly see a doctor.

2.) Ringing in Ears

A lot of people who suffer from hearing deficiency complain about a common problem and that is experiencing a ringing sound in ears for no reason at all. Medically speaking, experiencing ear ringing and other abnormal ear noises is a condition known as tinnitus. According to medical experts, those who suffer from tinnitus experience buzzing, roaring, and pulsate sounds when no actual sound is being emitted. The cause? Well, Tinnitus can emerge from glitches in any of the four areas responsible for hearing: the outer area of the ear, the middle area of the ear, the inner area of the ear, and the brain. In other words, it is one of the most common symptoms of hearing loss.

3.) Family History of Hearing Deficiency

Like a lot of other health issues, hearing loss too can occur if your family has a history of similar issues. If your father, grandfather or an uncle suffers from hearing deficiency, the probability of you suffering from it naturally increases as well. Therefore, it is suggested that if your family has a history of hearing loss, you should take certain precautions and seek treatment at an early age.