For people with hearing loss, wearing hearing aids is a part of everyday life for them. Hearing aids are a part of their daily gear, just like a watch or a mobile phone. Like a watch or a mobile phone, hearing aids are also an investment. No matter how much you take care of them, any slight negligence can damage them. It’s important to have a plan in place in the event you run into a hearing aid disaster. Luckily, we have compiled some tips to help you save your hearing aids:

Dropping Your Hearing Aids Outdoors

With the ongoing winter season, mufflers, headbands, ear muffs and hats are a common sight. We need these essential items to stay warm in the cold winds outside. Unfortunately, there is a high chance that these items could get caught or entangled with your hearing aid and inadvertently cause it to come off without you knowing. This is especially true when you get indoors and start taking off your hat or headband.

In case you drop your hearing aid somewhere or can’t find it behind your ears, the best mode of action is to stop what you’re doing and stand still. Start feeling around to check if the hearing aid got stuck in your clothing or fell on the ground nearby. If you still can’t find it, ask anyone around you to watch their step while you retrace your steps to see if you dropped it somewhere behind.

Dropping Your Hearing Aids in Water

 The bathroom is one of the highest risk places in the house to damage your hearing aid as you are surrounded by water that you can accidently drop your hearing aids in. The ideal way to avoid dropping your hearing aids in water is by designating a special place in your bedroom where you take them off and put them in their case.

If you do drop your hearing aids in water, be prepared to grab them as soon as possible. You will more than likely need to make an appointment with your hearing healthcare provider in order to have your device checked for malfunction or additional damage.

A Pet Gets a Hold of the Hearing Aid

If you are a pet owner and you use hearing aids, you need to be extra careful. Pets are known to chew on hearing aids, mistaking them for some kind of treat or toy. As soon you see your pet eating a hearing aid, quickly retrieve it from their mouth and check for any broken pieces. Remember that ingesting a battery can be fatal, so take your pet to a vet as soon as possible.